March 9, 2010

C# 4.0: Named Parameters

C# 4.0: Named Parameters : C# introduces Named parameters. While calling a method, name: value pair syntax can be used for the parameters. Order doesn't matter. As you might guess, Named parameters can't precede optional parameters. I wrote few tests to understand these concepts.
You need VS2010, and NUnit if you want to try this code as is on your machine.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace LearningCSharp40
    public class Division
        public int Divide(int dividend, int divisor)
            return dividend / divisor;
    public class LearnNamedParameters
        Division division = new Division();
        private int quotientFromPositional = 0;
        public void Setup()
            quotientFromPositional = division.Divide(20, 10); // positional

        public void  QuotientShouldbeSameWhenCalledWithNamedParameters()
            int quotientWithNamedParams = division.Divide(dividend: 20, divisor: 10); // named parameters
            Assert.AreEqual(quotientFromPositional, quotientWithNamedParams, 
                            "quotient should be 2 even with named parameters");
        public void NamedParametersInDifferentOrder()
            int quotientWithNamedParamsInDifferentOrder = division.Divide( dividend:20,divisor:10); // Order is different
            Assert.AreEqual(quotientFromPositional, quotientWithNamedParamsInDifferentOrder, 
                            "quotient should be same even called with named paratmeters in different parameter");

        public void QuotientShouldBeSameWhenMixOfPositionalAndNamedApproachIsUsed()
            int quotient = division.Divide( 20, divisor: 10); 
            Assert.AreEqual(quotientFromPositional, quotient,
                            "quotient should be same even with mix of positional, and named parameters");

        public void NamedParametersCantProcedePosition_CompilerError()
            Division division = new Division();
            //Uncomment to see the compiler error...
            // int quotient = division.Divide( dividend: 20,10); // named parameters cannot procede positional
            // Assert.AreEqual(2, quotient, "quotient should be 2 even with named parameters");

        public void NamedParameterSpecifiesAParameterForWhichAPositionalArgumentHasAlreadyGiven_CompilerError()
            Division division = new Division();
            //Uncomment to see the compiler error...
           // int quotient = division.Divide( 20,dividend:20); 